Monday, December 1, 2008

Blogging guide – how to really blog in order to drive organic traffic ?

Although you might be a great creative writer and are better at making people stick onto your blog posts , it is never going to help you unless you drive traffic to your blog via organic means .If you dont do that it is going to be a great loss to both you and your would-have-been readers .So let me give you a few tips to blog effectively so as to get the organic traffc easily to blogs :

1. Always start with the blog post – never decide on the complete title first

2. After you finish writing the complete blog post  [ always do the internal link building in all your blog posts if they really require them but dont stuff them ] , visit the following site :

Note down the possible titles and use them  in the above url so as to see which keyword has got the maximum competition and which keyword has minimum ones.

3.But dont try to fool yourself by selecting a title that is in noway connected to your blog post just because of the reason that the keyword has little competition.never do it .

4.If you dont find any suitable title then use your own.Always spend more time on deciding upon your blog titles .they are very important ! after writing down the possible titles with the help of adwords , it is up to you to decide whether you want to pick the most competitive keyword or the least competitive keyword .

I always prefer the medium ones ; but thats up to you .

6.Now hit the post button !

7.wait ..  but this is not enough . Submit your blog post to popular blog directories .That would ensure a little bit of traffic provided your blog post is not rubbish .

8. You may see my earlier  blog posts wherein i have given tips on how to increase page rank by submitting on dofollow websites .


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