Saturday, October 24, 2009

Don’t waste your time tracking the SERP everyday – use this free Google ranking monitor tool

Some web masters or wannabe webmasters get too excited and result in checking the SERP everyday – that is not a bad thing but what is the use when you are doing nothing to the site but constantly checking for the SERP position.The worst effect happens when you have more than 10 or 15 keywords to track.So what really is the solution?I know that people cannot pass a day without checking the SERP positions for their target keywords.


Use this free SERP monitoring tool to track the SERP without you typing the keyword manually in google search and seeing it for yourself.This is a must-have for all web masters.There are some other paid tools that do more functions but if you are looking just for a free one then this is a big deal.Here is the free seo tool:


Kudos to for this impressive tool.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Will pubcenter be released to all or just US publishers?

There is going to be no surprise when i say that microsoft and Google are going to be facing each other in a fierce competition in the near future – this is primarily due to two reasons:




I have checked the SERP of a lot of niches in Bing and what i have observed is that it is not bad at all.In fact,it is nearly as good as Google’s search results.I do not want to explain about the quality of the Yahoo SERP because the whole web mastering world knows that.This is why i think,perhaps,they are going to mingle with Bing for providing the SERP.It was a very good move indeed.But for people who have excellent results in Yahoo and not in Bing,this will not be a great news.


Anyway,i wonder if Pubcenter will be released to all or just US publishers like the YPN does.Hope they understand that there will be a lot of advertisers coming for the pubcenter network,especially after Google had banned several advertisers from the Adwords program.Everybody expects a competitor to adsense,Don’t you?


What do you say?Don’t you wish pubcenter opens to people all over the globe?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to expand your online business via backlink building

Do you own an online business? Well, in that case you know that internet marketing is the way to go about advertising it. You need a high profile for your site, you need for lots of people to see it. Ideally, you should be able to use relevant link building, this means that many links must point to your site, this makes it valuable while ranking in search engine results. Now you should know that there are many ways to get links to your site, you could opt for a reciprocal linking – where you link a site, and that site returns the favor by linking you in return. This works out well for everyone. But you should be warned – this method isn’t a good one anywhere, because search engines normally give priority to those who buy backlinks.

Usually, one way links are preferred, you can also try the 3 way linking method. You should be aware that edu backlinks and relevant link building are very beneficial for improving your business. Today, internet marketing is the way to go about expanding your online business, and you need to keep up with the latest methods to overtake all the competition.

Basically, there are millions of websites out there, and each website’s owner is trying their level best to attract customers. You need to ensure that you don’t fall behind. Generate ample traffic with the help of edu backlinks and go ahead and buy backlinks to get quality traffic. This way, you would also get more revenue. What you need to do is figure out what your target audience wants, and try and give it to them. Use search engine optimization to increase the ranking of your website among different search engines. This will make your online business very popular. That way, your business would definitely prosper.

Making money Online is hard because of all the crap and clutter floating around

There are hundreds of online guides that are sold for profit and nothing else.People do not understand that these guides are never going to make them money just because the so-called IM gurus have made cash through them.As a result,i see thousands of wannabe MMOers leaving blogging and going back to the 9-5 day job again.Their dreams are shattered due to two reasons:

1.Extreme number of clutter and crap e-books make them overloaded with information and this makes them hard to take action,

2.Not taking action and just buying every guide [whose sales page shows huge pay checks from ad networks] makes the whole process almost impossible.


Stop everything and do this today ……


Getting the proper system/guide is very important.If you do not want to buy any guide and want to learn from just free resources then that is fine .. but this will take hell lot of time.You must keep that in mind.Else you can get guides/video resources which will give you the exact plan to make money.An exact plan is what is really required instead of some crap e-book.One of the best course on MMO is the Clone Cash System – as the name indicates,all that is required from you is the ability to clone.Simple,eh?Start today and get on the track to make thousands out of IM.


Here is the best video course on making money online and it is FREE !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Web marketing isn’t rocket science – It isn’t dead simple to master either

Ever wondered if all that hype and buzz about the web marketing is really worth?Well,online marketing is essential for every business or a web site regardless of how large your business is.Everybody is getting in to the Internet and there have been reports recently that people have started to spend more on buying online.Thus it is high time you started to learn about web marketing or start searching for a web marketing services provider.


What constitutes the web marketing?


If you were wondering what are the elements of the web marketing,here is a short list showing them all:

1.PPC, building service,

3.optimizing your web site for increased ROI,

4.Social media optimization.


The third service called ROI optimization is also essential.There is no point in just concentrating on the marketing alone when your web site or the sales page sucks.You need to get the most out of your visitor.Hence the user interface plays a very vital role too.There is much more to be discussed about each individual list item shown above but that would take 1000 words.So i am keeping that aside for another day.


Monday, October 19, 2009

How to bring lots of people to my web site?

So you have a question – “How to bring lots of people to my web site?”.And i have an answer which will be very interesting to read.I am not here to discourage people who want to bring lots of traffic through their blogs – but there is something i am tempted to tell you here.Why do you want to bring thousands of people to your web site or blog when just a couple of people can make the same money as obtained through thousands of visitors.You need laser targeted traffic and not just some fireworks of visitors to your blog.


How to get people to visit my web site – but is that really worth?


What i am coming to tell you is that it is not so easy to use the free traffic sources to bring traffic and it is so much harder to make money through traffic obtained through sites like digg or stumbleupon.The previous statement is not completely true but it is true when most of the wannabe MMOers are concerned.Sites like digg will be very useful for blogs whose monetization method mainly depends on the site’s reputation.So if you have got a digg everyday then you can show to others that your site gets diggs regularly and is evolving into a brand.This will be useful for getting ad spots.


But for others who blog about acai berry and weight loss pills,digg will not give a shit.So it is better to start concentrating on the following:



3.Bum marketing.

Hope you are disappointed with what i have said but this is the truth and those who did understand or agree with this are going to suffer a lot :D

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A lost ball in the high weeds – the SEO and MMO beginners

IM,SEO and MMO beginners will be the most frustrated persons until they find the real method to make money through the internet.The truth is that is not so easy and most people never wait to succeed.What makes so many losers when it comes to the IM success:


1.Finding the right resources is not so easy – there is hell lot of information that it becomes too hard to get the big picture from so many bread crumbs.But whoever waits patiently and gets the big picture succeeds and the success keeps rolling like a snow ball,

2.lack of Patience,

3.too much dependence on IM Guru’s sayings,

4.Constant reading of everything related to IM but no action,

5.Bullshit e-books that salivate every IM beginner but does not offer serious advice and suggestions for success but instead throws out some shit revenue screenshots by the ad networks paid to the IM Guru.


“What you think you become” – if you are not ready to plan out a strategy and try everything yourselves,get out of IM pls.

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