I have seen a lot of bloggers using adsense ads literally everywhere in their webpages – top,bottom ,sidebars and every other place where there is place for the ads to fit.But instead of trying so many positions make sure you try the two important ad placements as mentioned below :
1.Adsense ads arranged in the following manner :
This may work superb for you.You should never miss trying this out.Although you might be familiar with the adsense ads placed at the left of the blog post iam not sure if you have tried the adsense placement below the blog post.If you havent yet tried it , have it tested today.
Note : i have seen my performance of adsense ads go high when the blog post is just a few words [and not a long one] – this is because while the reader is going thru’ the blog post there is very high probability that the ads will be clicked since both the ads [to the left and bottom of blog post] are visible while he is reading.Dont forget to experiment the above adsense placements with short blog post and a long blog post.Iam very sure you will find differences in income .
2.Ads below the navigation :
This is one another ad placement that has fetched me the most income via adsense ads.The color of the ads is pretty confusing to choose.I would like to ask you to experiment it for yourself which works better for your blog.