Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some adsense ads positions which may work best for you – make money blogging

I have seen a lot of bloggers using adsense ads literally everywhere in their webpages – top,bottom ,sidebars and every other place where there is place for the ads to fit.But instead of trying so many positions make sure you try the two important ad placements as mentioned below :

1.Adsense ads arranged in the following manner :




This may work superb for you.You should never miss trying this out.Although you might be familiar with the adsense ads placed at the left of the blog post iam not sure if you have tried the adsense placement below the blog post.If you havent yet tried it , have it tested today.

Note : i have seen my performance of adsense ads go high when the blog post is just a few words [and not a long one] – this is because while the reader is going thru’ the blog post there is very high probability that the ads will be clicked since both the ads [to the left and bottom of blog post] are visible while he is reading.Dont forget to experiment the above adsense placements with short blog post and a long blog post.Iam very sure you will find differences in income .


2.Ads below the navigation :


This is one another ad placement that has fetched me the most income via adsense ads.The color of the ads is pretty confusing to choose.I would like to ask you to experiment it for yourself which works better for your blog.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The biggest mistake beginner bloggers do

I had told you about three mistakes beginner bloggers mostly do in the previous blog post.But the biggest mistake that beginners are prone to do is quitting blogging just because they dont see it to be profitable.And do you know how many days they would have blogged ? Just about 30 days or so.And they come to a conclusion blogging is waste and is impossible to make money with it .

What should you know or think about just before quitting ?

1.Think if you had done smart work or just hard work :

Let me define them both in the perspective of blogging.

HARD WORK – You were just adding blog posts to your blog and did not do any marketing.I had mentioned in my previous blog posts most of you have the wrong thinking that blogging too often is the most important factor to get traffic ,

SMART WORK – You did a couple of posts and worked day and night building links to it.

If you thought of quitting blogging then iam sure you should have just done hard work and not acted smart."Hard work is the key to success" does not work here.Be smart and blog and do marketing in the way it should be done.

2.Think if you really have the traffic to bring you income thru’ blogging :

You should definitely have atleast above 100 visitors to get some bucks in your account – well it also depends on your niche.My specific of 100 visitors might be wrong in some of the cases.But that does not matter.If you just have been blogging for a month and get 1 visitor everyday then there is no surprise that you werent making money blogging.

3.Think of bloggers who blogged for so much months before they succeeded and are still growing :

No blogger succeeds within a month.Some do.And those are people who write blog posts like “dinosaur found sleeping in mars” … just kidding.What i meant to say was people who have exceptional skill for writing excellent unique articles will find quick success – maybe within 1 or 2 months.I rarely find bloggers that way.

So you have just been blogging for a few months and you come to a conclusion that blogging is good for nothing ? Is that how you quit something that could have made you an entrepreneur.There is no quitting and you will succeed if you have faith.

“Iam blogging for 36 months and still havent succeeded ? ” :

If you say the above sentence to me that i will tell you this is the reason for your failure :

You know how to blog but do not know the proper way to blog .You have not been an internet marketer - just a blogger.So try to know how to be an internet marketer and combine it with blogging – you will know what you have been missing.


Three mistakes beginner bloggers do and why

Iam going into the list straight away :


1.Spending too much time on Blogcatalog :


What ? Is that bad ?

No.It is not bad.But if you stay most of the time in blogcatalog and yet do not make any friends over there then whats the use.I always want to recommend blogcatalog to my readers bcoz if you involve in the discussions and make interesting comments you have a LARGE probability of making friends with popular bloggers and you may get links from them to your blog.That would be great.But if you dont seem to get any links from your friends or you just dont seem to create a good relationship with any of the fellows over there then whats the use ?

So if you feel that Blogcatalog is not doing any good to you , reduce your time spending on it.


2.Too much Twittering :


There are so many articles being written on Twitter that it could be great for your blog marketing , business etc ,.I completely agree with that.I know that it is becoming a great tool for networking and business in turn.But it needs you to make very good relationships [large constant interesting amount of tweets would do that magic] before anyone becomes interested in you or your blog.Many of you might not have so much love for networking or may just hate social media.So just bcoz you hear about twitter , do not tend to look cool by spending too much time on it.Be there for a month , constantly tweet , if you feel its doing you good for you  , be there; if not reduce it or even completely leave tweeting.There are better possible things for you to do .


3.Too much social bookmarking :


Social bookmarking helps in indexing a blog article ; but if you plan to increase your Google SERP only with large amount of social bookmarking and nothing else then its gonna be a frustrating job.

The same time could’ve been used for blog commenting  on dofollow blogs or looking for relevant link exchanges or Guest blogging ;yes ofcourse people say blog comment links are easily identified by Google and are given less rank , but i feel the comment links would do you more good than the social bookmark links.

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