I agree that wordpress is much more better than the blogger blog.Wordpress shouldnt even be compared to the blogger platform because WP is going strongly day by day and there is no way any other platform is going to beat it.
Why do i say Wordpress is the best ?
1.because it has got vast amount of plugins [almost for everything] developed by so many designers,
2.because wordpress themes are so cool that once you get accustomed to the wordpress platform you really wouldnt want to blog in a blogger blog ,
3.wordpress is developing and improving in a lightning fast manner while there are no vast improvements in blogger platform for so many years .
So is it not possible to get traffic to a blogger blog ?
This is the stupidiest question people ask after some people start recommending them that wordpress blogs bring more traffic to your blog. ha ha .I agree that with wordpress there are lot more plugins related to SEO that will help in improving your blog posts’ on page optimization.I will never agree that blogspot blogs are impossible to get traffic.Do you want to see some blogger blogs getting great amounts of traffic ? Let me show you here :
1.Web designing
2.Celebrity blog
3.make money online
Every blog listed above is a blogger blog and are getting above 1000 unique visitors every day.So who said blogger blogs do not get traffic ?
Reasons why your blogger / blogspot blog does not get traffic :
1.Because you have been writing blog post which nobody searches for [you think that by writing more on topics of your interest will bring more traffic] ,
2.Because you do not have any links from others ,
3.You do not use the keywords in your title of the blog post ,
4.spending too much time on blog directories and other social networking sites when you do not have any quality posts in your blogger blog.
Quality posts – what does it mean ?
By quality posts i mean :
1.Either your blog post should be of something that others search for and it must be extraordinarily written .
2.One other explanation i can give to a “quality post” is – the blog post need not be splendid but yet you should use the necessary keywords in your title and blog post .In short it should be superbly SEOed .
So what can i do to bring traffic ?
ways to bring traffic to a blogspot blog :
Iam not going to talk about stumbleupon or digg here.Let me tell you how you can get traffic from Google just like how your competitors do :
1.Search on the following site on keyword related to a blogging niche or whatever your niche is :
2.Now You have two options – either select the keyword that gets massive traffic or select the one that gets moderate traffic.
3.I would be selecting a moderate traffic keyword if iam just a beginner and am just starting to blog ,
4.Blog about the above topic you selected ,
5.Let the keywords be in your title of the blog post – and stuff the keywords in the blog post- dont stuff too much,
6.Now is the final and most important step in gaining traffic to a blogger blog :
Create backlinks – use any kind of promotion to get backlinks to your blog post – you will see the results ultimately.
You might wonder when your blog post will come on the top of google results ; it all depends upon how fast you fetch the backlinks – when you get the backlinks make sure you get the most of the backlinks with anchor text as your keyword [not all the links should have the same anchor text – this is important bcoz it might lead to Google banning your blog ] .