Thursday, December 31, 2009

In-content related posts – how about that?

You might very well be knowing the importance of showing the related posts at the end of an article.It is great for increasing the page views,keeping the readers longer in the site and also thereby increasing the revenue [suppose if you have CPM ads].Now how about related posts shown within the content?I am not sure if you have seen such a thing anywhere yet.If you do not understand what i mean,look at the below web page on


Here is a snap of what i am referring to:


related posts


Do you see that when the cursor is placed over the word anti-oxidants,a list is thrown up showing the related keywords?This is definitely a very cool method to increase the page views.I am not saying that the related posts plugin that people have been using till now is inefficient or useless.It is definitely useful but you need to think about this method too.I call it the “in-content related posts”


What is your take about it?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Interesting Business models – destroy the tunnel vision right now

Having a tunnel vision sucks big time.Most people do not realize their tunnel vision until they come across articles talking about it.In the case of internet marketing or web mastering,a lot of people get restricted to making money with PPC networks.They forget that there is an ocean of opportunities out there to make money.Well,let me give you an example:


Let us take the subject of emotional disorders:

If you are building a site to help people affected by these disorders,you can monetize in a lot of ways.But i am quite sure that most people will try to monetize with adsense or other PPC methods.But have you thought of some other ideas?

For example,the web master of the above site can try to use which has a very interesting business model.To know about how it works,have a look at the below page:

Interesting,isn’t it?So many people get affected with emotional disorders and they are all stuck with themselves and their disorders.So you could help those people by referring to the mental health professionals in liveperson instead of using adsense ads.


Bottomline:ditch the tunnel vision;grow everyday,think smart,think out of the box !Think about what would help your blog or site readers.Such a thing would sky rocket your earnings for sure.When a readers feels that he is being sold to something,you are going to lose conversions.simple.

P.S.Want to know more about liveperson inc ? Here is an article that might probably be interesting to you:

Here is one of the facts found in the above article:

“And in the breakdown of our business between verticals also remained fairly steady with financial services and telecommunications each representing about 25% of our revenue flow. Retail and technology each representing about 15% and then the balance of all other categories combined making up the remaining 20% of our revenue base.”

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