I have always been impressed by the quality and the amount of content available in sites like about.com.Recently,i came across an article in RWW about mega-content sites.It had said that answers.com makes about at least 1.5 million every month [the data is a little different and i do not remember exactly;you can refer the article for exact figures].So that made me think about the revenue of about.com.What do you think would be the revenue of about.com?I am very sure that it is in the range of millions of dollars each month.But the exact figures?Nobody knows in fact.
What does google have to say about this?
So i turned to google for help and this is the best information i have got regarding my quest to finding revenue of about.com:
Here is the key point found in this article:
About.com had revenues of about $2.2 million a month for the first
half of 2005. By 2006, revenues had almost tripled, to almost $6.4
million. Who knows what it is at present?
The fact that the revenue of about is greater that of the answers.com is of no surprise to me.I am very sure you are not surprised either.