Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are Internal links within articles really needed?

Many wonder if they really need to place links to their inner pages within the blog posts?After all,the related posts section below their blog posts or articles are pointing to the inner pages,right?But yet many experts agree that giving links to your other related pages within the blog post does really help.And the reason for such suggestion does really seem acceptable.If you had lived in a cave for the past months,you must not have known the importance of eliminating the value given out by the comment links.I am sure that the Googlers concerned about the search results quality are working day in and day out to kick the asses of those comment links as well as the sites trying to use them for their link building campaigns.When it comes to the comment links and links within an article,the latter,obviously,is going to be given the most value.
And hence,the links within an article,is going to be very much significant compared to the one outside of the article.So,the bottom line is:
Do not think twice for linking out to your other pages within the article.Each time you write an article,do not rush to hit that publish button.Patiently,surf through all the pages,look for related articles and include them as links within the article you wrote just now and are extremely eager to publish it.
This might not cause a huge effect in a couple of months.But when your site has 1000’s of pages in a few years’ time,you will notice splendid effects in your site ranking.I have even seen many sites whose page rank had got increased due to the sheer amount of web pages they contained.Of course,i do not want to start the debate of whether page rank is important or not.Many do wish to sell links and at least for them,the goal to increase page rank and eagerly wait for the PR update each month will seem important and i am not underestimating or discouraging that act.

Just realize the importance of giving out links in your every article.Let the links be detailed.I mean,give out links to articles with long tails as the anchors.This would be helpful if your site is new since you will able rank for long tails and that will be so much encouraging for the newbies.But if you are  so concerned about ranking for the biggies [the main keywords],then pick the keyword you want to rank for as the anchor text.It all depends on what you want.
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