Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Show a “ thank you ! ” message to your readers after they leave your blog

Well , you can use this code to show any message – a simple “THANK YOU PAL :) ” message or you may also use it to alert the reader to register or to subscribe to your blog/site.The message will be shown in a small window after the reader clicks the "close button" in the browser [ i.e., immediately after leaving your blog ] ..Here is how you should do it ::::

1 . sign into blogger.com –>go to “layout” –> “edit html” ,

2 . find this piece of code in the html :::::


3.replace this with the below code :

<body onunload=’alert(“I THANK YOU FOR VISITING ”)’>

note : you may change the message to whatever you like .

4.Its a very simple script but yet very effective – isnt it ?


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