Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SEO and Subtitles Gain Prominence

Use Subtitles to Tell the Reader about your Article.

Have you read a newspaper or magazine article recently?  You should take a look at how these articles are structured.  Most articles begin with an eye catching title that has a keyword in it to get your attention.  For example “TSA Tests Nuclear Detection Devices at Airport” is going to catch your attention during the holidays because it could affect your travel time if you fly to the US.  Often the title is short and to the point while still gaining your attention.


You also have the option of using subtitles for search engine optimisation purposes.  Subtitles allow you to expand on your point to help the reader gain more information about the article without having to read it.  A subtitle can be more creative while using keywords.  After the subtitle you can move further into your description of whatever you want to discuss.  Subtitles may not help in Google page rankings, but you can be sure that the keyword will be considered relevant and help Google choose your site over others based on what the customer is searching for if you use them in the subtitles.  Our eyes are also drawn to bold words.


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