Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to add a photobucket slideshow to a blogger blog

The process to add a photobucket slideshow to  your blogger blog is very simple.let me take you through the process :


Login to photobucket account and create a slideshow as you normally would.


now choose which slideshow you need to show on your blog [ if you already have several slideshows in your account ] .for example these are my slideshows in photobucket:


Iam going to choose the second slideshow for demo purpose.when you keep your mouse  over the slideshow,you will get 4 options – select “HTML code” and the code gets automatically copied to the clipboard [simple but  really nice feature in photobucket].





Now login to blogger account and select the blog to add the slideshow.

move on to “layout” and click on “add a gadget”


now scroll the new window that appears and click on the plus button on the right side of  “HTML/javascript” section.


now give a title and  paste the code you copied on the photobucket page [ press ctrl+v].now click on the save button.thats it.your photobucket slideshow is now ready in your blogger blog.you can then position the slideshow widget whereever you want.




Anonymous said...

ok first comment cool :)!! thanks alot this worked out for me and if you can give me more tips for blogger that would be great. I need some templates for the background. The one's they give us really arent that good. so please email me a good website besides pyzam.com to my email is
( hellhop99@hotmail.com )

Izabela said...

thanks a bunch, i tried it in variety of ways and nothing worked this is perfect! :)

Amy said...

This is the first thing that has gotten me even remotely close to making a slidshow materialize on my blog!! However.... it's chopped in half vertically, in other words when I go to look at it I can only see the left side of the slideshow. Help!

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